Crispy Sabudana Vada | क्रिस्पी साबूदाना वडा

About Sabudana Vada

Sabudana Vada is a popular deep-fried snack from India, particularly enjoyed during fasting periods or special occasions when certain foods are avoided. It is made from sabudana (sago pearls), mashed potatoes, and various spices. The vadas have a crispy exterior and a soft, delicious interior, making them a delightful treat for many.

1.       About Sabudana
2.       What is Sabudana or Sago
3.       Sabudana Vada Video
4.       How to make Sabudana vada (Step by step guide)
5.       Tips for crispy Sabudana vada
6.       FAQ
7.       Variations

What is Sabudana or Sago?

Sabudana, also known as sago or tapioca pearls, is a starchy substance extracted from the pith of the sago palm (Metroxylon sagu) or the cassava root (Manihot esculenta). It is widely used in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines and is particularly popular in India, especially during fasting periods or special religious occasions when certain foods are avoided.

Soak time: 6 hours

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves: 2 people

Sabudana Vada Ingredients:

 • SABUDANA (साबूदाना): 1/2 CUP

 • PEANUTS (मूंगफली): 1/2 CUP

 • CUMIN SEEDS (साबुत जीरा): 1/2 Table spoon

 • GREEN CHILLIE (हरी मिर्च): 1 NOS. (Chopped)

 • LEMON JUICE (नींबू का रस):  1 Table spoon

• SALT (नमक):  1 Table spoon

• POTATOES (आलू): 2 Boiled Medium Size

 • FRESH CORIANDER (हरा धनिया):  Small Handful

 • BLACK PEPPER POWDER (काली मिर्च पाउडर): 1 Tea spoon

How to make sabudana vada step by step guide:

  • Wash Sabudana and soak it for at least 6 hours.
  • Roast Peanuts and prepare powder
  • Heat the pan and add all the peanuts & roast them on medium flame for 5 to 10 minutes until they become crunchy
  • Now transfer the peanuts in a chopper & grind them coarsely.

 To make the mixture

  • Add the soaked sabudana in a large bowl along with the peanuts, then add all the remaining ingredients of the vada, you will need to mash the potatoes with your hand while adding them into the bowl.
  •  Mix all the ingredients together with your hands, once everything is well combined start mashing the mixture
  • To check if your mixture is ready take spoonful of mixture in your hand & try to make a patty if the patty holds its shape nicely then your mixture is ready. Prepare all the patty of mixture

 To fry the vadas

  • Heat oil in deep pan and carefully drop the vadas in hot oil
  • Fry the vadas patty on medium flame until crisp & golden brown
  • Your delicious crispy hot sabudana vadas are ready.
  •  Serve with green chutney

FAQ about Sabudana Vada

Is Sabudana vada good for health?

Sabudana vada can be enjoyed as an occasional treat, but it is not considered a health food due to its deep-frying preparation and high carbohydrate content. Let’s examine the health aspects of Sabudana vada:

Health Benefits:

Good Source of Energy: Sabudana vada is made from sabudana (sago pearls) and mashed potatoes, both of which are rich sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide a quick source of energy, which can be beneficial during fasting periods or when a quick energy boost is needed.

Gluten-Free: As Sabudana vada is made from gluten-free ingredients, it is suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.


High in Calories: Due to deep-frying, Sabudana vada absorbs a considerable amount of oil, making it calorie-dense. Consuming excessive calories regularly can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Low in Nutrients: While Sabudana vada provides energy from carbohydrates, it lacks significant amounts of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Relying on it as a regular part of the diet without balancing it with other nutrient-rich foods can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

High Glycemic Index: Sabudana vada has a high glycemic index, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This can be problematic for people with diabetes or those trying to manage their blood sugar levels.

Unhealthy Fats: Deep-frying adds unhealthy saturated and trans fats to the vada, which can contribute to cardiovascular issues when consumed in excess.

Sodium Content: Some recipes may add salt to the mixture, which can contribute to high sodium intake if consumed in large amounts. High sodium intake is associated with hypertension and other health problems.

It’s important to note that Sabudana vada can still be enjoyed occasionally as part of a balanced diet. If you want to make it a healthier option, consider the following:

Reduce the frequency of consumption.

Use minimal oil and opt for healthier cooking methods like baking or air-frying instead of deep-frying.

Include other nutritious ingredients like vegetables or nuts to enhance its nutritional profile.

Pair Sabudana vada with a side of fresh salad or vegetable chutney to increase the overall nutrient content of the meal.

As with any food, moderation is key. Balancing indulgent treats like Sabudana vada with a well-rounded and nutrient-rich diet is essential for overall health and well-being.

How long should i soak Sabudana?

The soaking time for Sabudana depends on the variety and size of the pearls you have. Generally, there are two common types of Sabudana available in the market: small and large pearls.

For small Sabudana pearls:

  • Rinse the Sabudana in water a couple of times to remove excess starch.
  • Then, soak the Sabudana in enough water to cover the pearls completely.
  • Allow it to soak for about 3 to 4 hours.

For large Sabudana pearls:

  • Rinse the Sabudana in water to remove excess starch.
  • Then, soak the Sabudana in enough water to cover the pearls completely.
  • Allow it to soak for about 6 to 8 hours or even overnight.

The goal of soaking is to make the Sabudana soft, swollen, and easy to mash and form into vadas. After soaking, you should be able to break a pearl easily between your fingers. If the pearls are still hard in the center, they need more soaking time.

Remember to drain the soaked Sabudana well to remove excess water before mixing it with other ingredients to make Sabudana vada. Excess water can cause the vadas to become soggy and difficult to fry.

Why does Sabudana vada burst while frying?

Sabudana vada may burst or crack while frying due to the presence of excess moisture in the mixture. This can be caused by not draining the soaked Sabudana properly or using a very wet potato mixture. When the vada hits the hot oil, the trapped moisture turns into steam and creates pressure inside the vada, leading to cracks or bursts. Here are some tips to prevent Sabudana vada from bursting while frying:

  • Properly drain the soaked Sabudana: After soaking the Sabudana, make sure to drain it well and remove any excess water. You can use a sieve or colander to ensure the Sabudana is dry before mixing it with other ingredients.
  • Mash the potatoes properly: If the potatoes are not mashed thoroughly, they can retain moisture, making the vada mixture wetter than desired. Mash the boiled potatoes until they are smooth and free from any lumps.
  • Avoid adding water during mixing: While combining the Sabudana with mashed potatoes and other ingredients, avoid adding additional water unless it is absolutely necessary to bind the mixture. The soaked Sabudana already contains enough moisture.
  • Use binding agents: To ensure the mixture holds together without excess moisture, you can add binding agents like arrowroot powder, cornstarch, or water chestnut flour (singhara atta) to help absorb any extra moisture.
  • Rest the mixture: After mixing the ingredients, let the vada mixture rest for a few minutes. This allows any excess moisture to be absorbed and makes it easier to shape the vadas without cracks.
  • Fry in hot oil: Ensure that the oil is adequately hot before adding the vadas. A hot oil temperature will help the outer layer of the vada to form quickly, sealing in the moisture and preventing cracks. By following these tips, you can improve the texture and appearance of your Sabudana vada and minimize the chances of bursting while frying.

Why did Sabudana vada break in oil?

Sabudana vada can break in oil due to various reasons related to the mixture’s consistency and handling during the frying process. Here are some common reasons why Sabudana vada may break in oil:

  • Insufficient binding agents: If the mixture lacks enough binding agents like arrowroot powder, cornstarch, or water chestnut flour (singhara atta), it may not hold together well, resulting in vadas that are prone to breaking while frying.
  • Excess moisture: If the soaked Sabudana or mashed potato mixture has too much water content, it can lead to a wet and loose mixture, making it difficult for the vadas to hold their shape during frying.
  • Over-soaked Sabudana: If the Sabudana is soaked for too long or not drained properly, it can become too soft and mushy. This can weaken the vada’s structure, causing it to fall apart in hot oil.
  • Insufficient resting time: Allowing the vada mixture to rest for a few minutes before shaping and frying is crucial. Resting helps the ingredients to bind and settle, making it easier to handle the mixture without it breaking apart.
  • Incorrect shaping: If the vadas are not shaped properly or too thinly, they may not hold together during frying. Ensure that the vadas are formed into round, compact patties with an even thickness.
  • Inadequate oil temperature: If the oil is not hot enough, the vadas may absorb excess oil, becoming soggy and increasing the chances of breaking.
  • Crowding the frying pan: Adding too many vadas to the frying pan at once can reduce the oil temperature and lead to uneven cooking, making the vadas prone to breaking.

What to do if Sabudana vada is breaking in oil?

To prevent Sabudana vada from breaking in oil:

  • Use sufficient binding agents to hold the mixture together.
  • Properly drain the soaked Sabudana and mashed potatoes to remove excess moisture.
  • Let the vada mixture rest before shaping and frying.
  • Shape the vadas carefully and with an even thickness.
  • Fry the vadas in hot oil and avoid overcrowding the frying pan.

By addressing these factors, you can improve the vada’s structural integrity and enjoy crispy, intact Sabudana vadas.

Can I air fryer Sabudana vada?

Yes, you can definitely air fry Sabudana vada as a healthier alternative to traditional deep-frying. Air frying reduces the amount of oil used in the cooking process, making it a lighter and less calorie-dense option.

Can I bake Sabudana Vada?

Yes, you can bake Sabudana vada as a healthier alternative to deep-frying. Baking reduces the amount of oil used in the preparation, making it a lighter and less calorie-dense option.

How can we make healthier variations of Sabudana Vada by incorporating different ingredients and cooking methods?

There are several variations of Sabudana vada that you can try to make it healthier while still retaining its delicious taste. Here are some ideas:

  • Baked Sabudana Vada: Instead of deep-frying, you can bake the vadas in the oven to reduce the oil content and make them healthier.
  • Air-Fried Sabudana Vada: Similarly, you can air fry the vadas to achieve a crispy texture with minimal oil usage.
  • Multigrain Flour: Instead of using regular binding agents like arrowroot powder or cornstarch, you can try using a mix of multigrain flours like ragi (finger millet) flour, buckwheat flour, or amaranth flour. These flours add nutritional value and make the vadas healthier.
  • Sweet Potato: Use boiled and mashed sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber and vitamins, making the vadas more nutritious.
  • Vegetables: Add grated or finely chopped vegetables like carrots, spinach, or zucchini to the vada mixture. This not only enhances the nutritional content but also adds texture and flavor.
  • Quinoa or Brown Rice: For a healthier twist, you can substitute some of the Sabudana with cooked quinoa or brown rice. This adds protein, fiber, and essential nutrients to the vadas.
  • Nut and Seed Coating: Instead of brushing the vadas with oil before baking, you can coat them with crushed nuts or seeds like sesame seeds, flaxseeds, or crushed almonds. This adds a healthy crunch and nutritional boost.
  • Reduced Salt: Use less salt or opt for healthier alternatives like pink Himalayan salt or sea salt to reduce sodium intake.
  • Turmeric and Spices: Add turmeric and other spices like cumin, coriander, or ginger to the mixture. These spices not only enhance the flavor but also offer various health benefits.
  • Sautéed Onions: Add sautéed onions to the vada mixture for added flavor and nutritional value.

By incorporating these variations, you can create healthier versions of Sabudana vada that are still delicious and enjoyable. Remember to balance the nutritional content of your entire meal and enjoy the vadas in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet.